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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Boston, the Marathon, The Bombers and Politics - What I am sick of!

I just can't shut up on this issue. Some whack jobs try and make a statement and end up killing and injuring part of the community which actually is proactive and uses their city and not abuses it. What turns out is we spend millions protecting the citizens for security and during the man hunt while the political worlds and the news media look at this moment as a opportunity to get into the spotlight or expand their careers.
Sick and we will not stop hearing about this as they all patting themselves on the back for the great job they have done and every angle they covered. Yes, the politicians, even the ones from the surrounding area (NOT THE IMMEDIATE AREA who are doing their public service), are giving news conferences and speeches and the news Media is going to interview a goat if it furthers their career or gets them better ratings.

I am sick of this bullshit 

But I am proud of:

The People of the City of Boston and the State of Massachusetts
Local Police
Hospital personnel
Emergency crews
Fire fighters
State Police,
SWAT teams
CIA, NSA, or any other three lettered agency
Outside agencies - State federal and non profits
The people who just came to visit Boston
Who served them all the food, who were just there to hold a hand, comfort a soul and who stayed
                  stayed when everyone fled and helped without asking.

The political aspect.
Spend all your words you political idiots on the right or left I don't care and work in your state legislatures and Washington and get off my TV.

The Media

Just shut up and stop playing the same thing over and over until the next crisis. You are NOT important and stop telling me your name before and after every report. I don't care. Do a telethon and raise money for the families of the dead and injured, but besides that, shut up.

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